Why you should turn off the sounds on your ccamera - personal anecdote. 

Here's an example of a particularly irksome personal experience with camera beeps. 
... when I was on safari in the Sabi Sabi private game reserve, near Kruger Park in South Africa – see also non-dark travel – there was an older turkey-farmer from Israel. Not only was he in the totally wrong place, as evidenced by constant complaining about all manner of things. What really drove me round the bend was his camera use: indiscriminately pointing at whatever (further proving that he had little genuine interest in the safari) and always with full-on sound.
Camera switched on – peep-peebledi-pee-heep; autofocus – pleeble-peep; change of setting – peep-ping. Shooting & saving – chackack, peeep; change to photo view – peep-peep-peep; camera off: peedle-di-boop. All the f***ing time! It totally destroyed the ambience of sitting quietly in the bush, with the jeep's engine switched off, just watching some animals.
I could have strangled the guy ... and his wife, when she started whistling at the animals – as if they were pets! If you ask me, there should be some sort of aptitude test before people are allowed on such trips; and that should include their ability to handle their cameras – including the sound settings! Whoever fails the test should be barred from entering such a place. Full stop!
End of anger-venting …
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