Paranormal tourism

There are those tourists who derive a certain kick out of travelling to/visiting allegedly "haunted" places (Scottish castles feature a lot here) or such "UFOlogist" hotspots as Roswell, USA.
It's mostly believers in such myths who go there, of course, but not necessarily only believers. Not even necessarily people with at least a leaning towards the superstitious. Just toying with the relevant ideas may be enough for some to get something out of such places (without ever actually believing).
In fact this latter form in particular may possibly indeed overlap with something akin to dark (the thrill of the grim and gruesome) – and it certainly has its slice of the niche tourism market.
But frankly: I prefer to stick to reality – and concentrate on the really dark places only (see what is dark tourism, the concept of dark tourism, and categories of dark tourism). For similar reasons, fictional dark places are also beyond the scope of dark tourism proper. In general, I think the real world has plenty enough of genuinely dark sides, so personally I simply see no need for additional made-up dark aspects. So if you're after such things, you'll have to go looking elsewhere. Sorry.