Academic background

I am an academic in that I have academic degrees and a publications record, but I only used to be an academic in that it was my previous profession –  one I currently no longer pursue much. I'm no longer employed by a university or other such academic institution and also put my active independent endeavours in linguistics on ice while setting up this website (although I still benefit from my linguistic "upbringing", e.g. in translating, and have more recently written a couple of smaller works in linguistics again ... so my academic standing is not quite dead yet).

Moreover, I have also contributed to the academic side of dark tourism – if only as a freelance occasional sideline – namely in the by now recognized independent field of dark tourism research. See my list of publications. I will probably do more in that direction in the future.

Why I am no longer an active part of the university system ... well, it's a complex issue, which has as much to do with simply the job market and topical developments in my field as it has with my own personal development – and also with other people (both in a positive and in a negative sense).

But just for the record, I can provide some more details here under the following headers:


- education & degrees

- teaching

- research

- list of publications

- disenchantment

- linguistics: essentials